UA Office Link Download Index

Pre-release Bundles

Installers including Windows graphical user interface applications, services and prerequisites. Recommended for installations on Windows 10 or later or Windows Server with Desktop Experience.

Name Version Description
InfluxDB Connector1.1.14493.0Store data into the InfluxDB time series databaseDownloadRelease Notes
Stream Connector1.1.14547.0Stream data to other instances of UA Office Link across the Intranet or Internet or serve JSON formatted live data for your own processingDownloadRelease Notes

Pre-release Service Installers

Service installer files without graphical user interface applications. Recommended for updates of existing installations.

Name Version Description
InfluxDB Connector Service1.1.14493.0Store data into the InfluxDB time series databaseDownloadRelease Notes
Stream Connector Service1.1.14547.0Stream data to other instances of UA Office Link across the Intranet or Internet or serve JSON formatted live data for your own processingDownloadRelease Notes

Pre-release Application Installers

Windows graphical user interface applications and plugins without services. Recommended for updates of existing installations.

Name Version Description
InfluxDB Connector App Plugin1.1.9862.0App plugin to configure the InfluxDB connector serviceDownloadRelease Notes
Stream Connector App Plugin1.1.9886.0App plugin to configure the Stream connector serviceDownloadRelease Notes

Pre-release Headless Deployment (Server)

Recommended for installations on Windows Server Core. Please see the documentation for details.

Name Version Description
Rensen.UaOfficeLink.Configure-Remote-Access.ps1 Powershell script to configure UA Office Link Services for remote access behind IIS Download Release Notes

Pre-release Headless Deployment (Client)

Recommended for installations on Windows 10 or later for administration of remote UA Office Link instances. Please see the documentation for details.

Name Version Description
UA Office Link Application (Client Only Bundle) 1.1.11929.0 Contains the core user interface application and dependencies without services. Add app plugins as required. Download Release Notes
Pre-release Excel RTD Server (Client)

Recommended for installations on Windows 10 or later for Excel RTD connections to a licensed UA Office Link server elsewhere on the Intranet. Please see the documentation for details.

Name Version Description
UA Office Link Excel RTD Server (Client) 1.1.14491.0 Connects to the Excel Connector on a remote UA Office Link server to display live values in Excel spreadsheets. Download Release Notes

Pre-release Service Prerequisites

When installing Service MSIs without prior Bundle installation then the following prerequisites may need to be installed separately.

Name Required for
ASP.NET Core Runtime 6.0.x Windows "x64" All Services, unless intended for remote administration and headless deployment Visit Download Page
ASP.NET Core Runtime 6.0.x Windows "Hosting Bundle" All Services, if intended for remote administration, headless deployment or IIS Integration Visit Download Page
.NET Framework 4.7.2 or later SOAP Connector Service, Excel Connector; the .NET Framework is preinstalled on most Windows operating systems. Visit Download Page

Pre-release Application Prerequisites

When installing applications or app plugin MSIs without prior Bundle installation then the following prerequisites may need to be installed separately.

Name Required for
.NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.x Windows "x64" All Applications and App Plugins Visit Download Page

Release versions